Descriptive Depictions through Interactive Imagessays

A composition of pictures conveys more at a glance than texts. Even videos don’t convey as much information as a collage does in a second. Holding this to thought, our client intended to create a platform which assists users in creating a descriptive composition of related images. Our
custom mobile app development company forwarded our clients ideas, by helping him create
PictoRealm, an iOS photography application that promotes the creation of interactive picture essays. The application facilitates Geotagging, by virtue of which users can create location based albums from worldwide locations.
Representing Realms with Visual Amalgamations
The application is equipped with an interactive picture essay tool that helps you concoct visual stories with a new twist. These stories can be geotagged to specific locations worldwide and sorted by popularity and recentness. Picture essays can be tagged to hashtag's, which are sorted by popularity, recentness and proximity to you. The community of users can interact with each other through comments, follows and likes. The likes are calculated as votes for the best picture or the hashtag's. The most liked PictoRealm is labeled as the Location Representative. This provides users with opportunity to be able to represent significant places worldwide, through their PictoRealm. The search option displays all tagged locations within a 20 mile radius of the searched location, with the Location Representative. Conversely while browsing PictoRealm users can find out its particular location.

It was created using the X code IDE and is optimized for iOS 6. Custom camera controls have been incorporated which facilitate the creation of pictorial compositions. Nesting of a maximum 30 pictures has been made possible to give you the opportunity to create comprehensive
Social Media marketing allow you to instantaneously share your PictoRealms with your network.
1 Team Lead, 1 iOS Developer and 1 Quality Analyst delivered the application in 1 month.
Articulating your Thoughts
PictoRealm provides you the opportunity to be remembered. Images, which otherwise end up as useless bytes occupying the remotest part of your memory card, can now be used to create compositions, which end up representing places of significance. Just a few taps of your finger allow you to generate visual treats for the world to savor.
Our company intends to create profitable applications for our clients, which empower people to express themselves.