Product Owners responsibility in Scrum Project Methodology

“As described in the Scrum Guide, a Scrum Product Owner is responsible for maximizing the value of the product resulting from the work of the Development Team.”

In Software development, when a company/organization starts an agile project in an outsourced model, they form a team first. Further, the team is divided into onshore and offshore. The majority of the team that is located offshore comprises the project's development team. On the other hand, the Scrum Product owner primarily forms the onshore end, who, in layman words, is the main man for the project. The team takes care of the project requirements in the form of stories and keeps adding them in the backlog of the project that serves as a to-do list for the development team. At offshore, the professional Scrum Master, the developers, and the testers who work on the backlog items (stories) shape the development team, as per the Product Owner.

The Product Owner is solely responsible for managing the Product Backlog, which includes:

While setting forth the requirements in the form of stories, the Product Owner has to communicate the objective specifically that they plan on achieving. If necessary, he/she can also explain the acceptance criteria, which might be of some use to the Quality Analyst, at the time of testing the app.

During the project, apart from writing the stories and maintaining the backlog, the Product Owner also has to look into various other responsibilities that are mentioned below –

During the software development process, there can be other responsibilities that can come on the Product Owner, and he has to perform those being the sole decision-maker. The responsibilities are as follows –