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List of Top 5 IDEs or Source Code Editors a C++ Developer Should Know

  • There are multiple IDEs available in the market for C++ development. Read our views to know the top five and their features

Top 5 IDEs for C++ Development

IDEs or Integrated Development Environments are software applications that facilitate developing computer programmes and software on a single or multiple programming languages. IDEs can be language-specific or may support multiple languages. IDEs make it easier for developers to write programs for custom mobile app development, find faults, and debug them. They are a significant improvement over command line interfaces because of the extensive provisions they offer.

 The components contained in an IDE can be usually classified into three major categories: a source code editor, build automation tools, and a debugger. In some cases, an IDE may also have an interpreter or a compiler or both. Examples of such IDEs are NetBeans and Eclipse. However, there are others that may not have any interpreter or compiler. Examples could include SharpDevelop or Lazarus.


Although there are several IDEs available, some open source and some licensed, listed below are five top five such IDEs that are the most sought after.

Dev C++

Dev C++ is an open-source IDE that houses features like code completion, tool manager, integrated debugging, syntax highlighting, GCC-based compilers, profiling, etc. It is a feature-loaded graphical IDE that uses the MinGw compiler system to create Windows-based C/C++ applications. It can also be used with other GCC-based compilers, such as Cygwin. It was originally developed by “Bloodshed Software”. 

To develop software using Dev C++, the IDE can be installed along with the compiler, or without it, if there’s a compiler already installed on the computer. The IDE offers a debugger that can help perform all the general debugging operations on source code. 

Dev C++ offers a localization feature that provides support for multiple languages. Using the settings tool, languages can be selected or changed as and when required. 

Some of the other very useful features of Dev C++ are:

  • “Auto-Completion,” a feature that helps you complete the code you write.
  • Customizable syntax highlighting editor, which makes the source code more readable.
  • Edit and compile the resource files.
  • A Tool Manager containing various tools
  • Inbuilt Find and replace feature
  • Creating project templates and project types
  • Makefiles can also be created using dev-C++ IDE
  • Support for Class Browser as well as Debug variable Browser
  • Project Manager to manage various projects
  • Print support
  • Easy installation of add-on libraries using the package manager provided by the IDE

Visual Studio Code

Visual Studio Code, by Microsoft, is a modern, open-source IDE. Visual Studio Code supports functionality on Windows, Linux, and macOS. Visual Studio Code provides extensive features to users. These features include an efficient command-line interface, high-quality API, code snippets, code refactoring, auto code completion, integrated Git, and so on.

Some of the features of Visual Studio Code are as follows:

  • Auto-hide: Documents can be minimized along the edges of the development environment and popped up by hovering the mouse over them.
  • Cascading Style Sheets: you can create styles that can be applied to HTML or XML elements
  • Command window: Allows invoking commands within the IDE
  • Debugging support: Enhanced debugging support for C++ and Visual Basic and support for managed-code and remote debugging.
  • Deployment tools: Windows Installer can be used to deploy applications, installation rollback and app advertising
  • Document navigation: maintain things like cursor history and allow navigating back to parts of a document or to different windows
  • Editor features: auto-indent, color highlighting, auto-complete, clipboard rings, document navigation, and much more
  • Enhanced automation support: Access and control parts of the IDE using programs, such as the Code Editor, projects, tool windows, and debugging, building, and deployment tools
  • Macro recording: Record and play macros directly in the development environment.
  • Object browser: Supports all languages and allows the developer to browse objects in projects, class libraries. 
  • Schemas support the automatic creation of a schema from an XML document instance
  • Start page: Acts as a personal home page for developer .Net development and provides access to news, updates, downloads, and documentation Tabbed documents Allow the developer to tab through multiple windows in one part of the screen
  • Web browser: Allows the developer to display Web pages directly in the development environment
  • XML: Allows the developer to edit XML with syntax-directed highlighting Data types

Code:: Blocks

Code:: Blocks is another wonderful IDE for C++ development. It has all the necessary features and tools. This IDE can be used on various platforms, such as Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

Code:: Blocks has basic features such as debugging, compiling, and auto code completion. Other features include profiling, code coverage, code analysis, drag, and drop feature, etc. Plugins can be used to add more features.

Some  of the features of code::blocks are

  • It is Open Source and includes no hidden costs.
  • It can run on multiple platforms,. such as  Linux, Mac, Windows 
  • It is written in C++ and does not require any interpreted languages or proprietary
  • It is extensible through using plugins
  • It contains an in-built Debugger
  • You can Build Queues
  • Supports Inter-project dependencies generations
  • Supports Parallel Builds
  • Provides Smart Indentation
  • Features Auto Code completion
  • Has a Class browser
  • Supports Code folding
  • Multi-target project
  • Full breakpoint support
  • Multiple Compilers


Eclipse is a simple and powerful IDE for C++ development. It is an open-source IDE that works well with Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux. It is one of the most beginner-friendly tools. It has features such as debugging, code compiling, auto code completion, profiling, refactoring, static code analysis, drag and drop feature, and so on, which are elaborated more in detail below:

Some of the features of Eclipse are as follows:

  • Color coding and meta-information, which can be customized
  • Subsequently, editing is also enhanced. Pressing Ctrl-Space can help with autocompletion or present relevant options. For example, instead of typing JButton, try typing JBu plus Ctrl-Space. Eclipse completes the name for you. 
  • Eclipse provides abbreviations for common items. For example, if you type sysout and press Crtl-Space, Eclipse expands this to System.out.println() and places the cursor in the parentheses automatically. 
  • Eclipse can offer fixes for simple problems in your code by presenting a drop-down menu of possible fixes for the problem. Eclipse shows you the code changes that it will make before you choose it.
  • Refactoring: tools under refactoring include the ability to rename and move members, automatically track down references to them and change them throughout the project. 
  • Diffing Files: Eclipse provides the ability to quickly diff two files. Select two files simultaneously in the Package Explorer. Right-click one of the files to display a context menu and select Compare With → Each Other. Eclipse opens a dual-source view editor pane that shows the differences between the files graphically. 
  • Organizing Imports: You can clean up the import statements in your source code. By selecting Source → Organize Imports, you can turn package imports into single class imports. Eclipse automatically determines which classes from each package are used and breaks the package imports into individual imports. 
  • Formatting Source Code: You can autoformat your source code using the Source → Format option.


  • Clang Based Code Completion Engine
  • JavaScript Code Completion
  • PHP Code Completion
  • Word Completion (based on open editors)
  • Git, Svn plugins
  • Database Explorer
  • Valgrind Support
  • SpellChecker.

C++ Development with Evon

Evon Technologies has a history of providing the best-in-industry C++ application development services to its global clients. We don’t just develop applications in C++; we develop and maintain, for our clients, cybersecurity applications and tools aimed at keeping their systems safe, secure and immune to intruders. We have been rated as the best c++ development company in India. Get in touch with us or email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to hire mobile app developer in India and to know what we can do for you!

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